Fall Forest Art; Beowulf in the Woods: 

The Crown of Autumn, all materials collected in the forest by my daughter and woven by my daughter into this crown of sorts (for a birthday). I was good for: reading Beowulf. 

(Fall leaves, with a few added grasses, woven bottom of vinca/periwinkle, woven with the stems of the leaves.)

Oh, & My New Favorite Fairy House 

I’m not saying I don’t love solid, worthy carpentry in worthier hands than my own, just that these are a different woods, a very different park. I do like that (this is behind a nature center) someone, probably with kids, was playing in a grove, creating some visions of magic afoot.

Enjoy, breathe the air and just enjoy what you can of nature.

And do what you can for those affected by this horrible season of natural disasters, and know if you’re in any of the effected areas, that we here are thinking of you more than anything else right now. Whether fires or hurricanes, our thoughts and prayers are with all in peril right now.

Different Woods, Hope Returns.

Well, you can’t keep a determined forest lover out of the woods. Truth be told, I’d drag myself with arms alone if I had to. But luckily, I am not at that point anymore. Hope lives in the woods. These are my alternate woods, the woods away from my home woods. I finally got to return to them this week, and things are much as they were here over a decade ago. Wilder, darker, but soon to be vibrant with the reds and oranges of this region.

This Watcher is still watching! And sharing. I hope to share some beautiful woods (if not the most beautiful iPhone shots) throughout the coming Autumn. Please forgive the repetitions, I am often in the same spots.