How to Get to the Firefly Forest

I hope the Overland Park Parks and Rec. Dept. doesn’t mind my borrowing their map, I wanted to add the exact location of the segment of Tomahawk Creek Trail that is home to the Firefly Forest. As I have noted previously, this trail is located between 137th and 138th streets west of Antioch, extending almost to Switzer and then west of Switzer extending behind the Deanna Rose Farmstead park. The segment on this map in red, surrounded by the black oval, encompasses the entire area of Firefly Forest:

Firefly Forest area in the black oval on the red trail line.

Firefly Forest area in the black oval on the red trail line. Click to magnify.

4 thoughts on “How to Get to the Firefly Forest

  1. Pingback: Location of Firefly Forest | The Firefly Forest

  2. I have lived in Overland Park for over two years now. And still have never been to this trail. It devastates me the Rangers or JOCO had such a beautiful thing removed. I am sure it was wonderful while it lasted. I truly wish someday in the future the Firefly Forest returns. And can someone please tell me where I can find compassionate park rangers who still believe in magic? 🙂

    • Actually, they really had to. It does flood down there, and one post removal house someone built literally got thrown as debris by a flash flood into the brambles, and they never came back for it. If they’d stayed in Kansas, I’m sure they would have allowed them to continue. As for the trail, I can’t access it at present due to hip surgery, but many have been rebuilding new projects and doors (I confessed to one myself here, and built another, both are memorials, but I asked Greg Reuther’s permission and he was perfectly fine with it, despite the flack he is getting from the film’s viewers). Someone rebuilt the purple door where messages were left before, and the city paved the walkway for those of us out there trying to rebuild some of the magic! They’re quite supportive, and as I’ve posted here many times, people are still making things! Don’t go in this weather, but do go check out at least the stretch between Antioch and Switzer (where much of the original was and the Little Owl door still is). No one is making anyone take them down or removing them from the city at all, in fact they are helping!

  3. I am so grateful for the film and for the work of the wonderful mother and her boys in finding a way to make magic when it is so hard to find. I am also so touched by the story of Little Owl and in her family’s attempt to heal through nature.

    I live in Cross Plains, Tennessee, and on Doss Road in nearby Orlinda, a landscaper created a door in the base of an old tree that faces the road so that all who pass by can see it. I was filled with joy the first time I saw it, and I hope that this craftsman was given inspiration by The Gnomist. No matter how often I drive by, it puts a smile on my face. I hope more people will be inspired to create places for fairies, and I appreciate CNN and The Great Big Story for giving a voice to all of you!

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